Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong


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In response to the needs of the youths and the impact of globalization, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong (CYMCA) has been providing international internship and volunteering opportunities for the youths and university students in Hong Kong and overseas. In 2003, learning from the concept of overseas YMCAs, Global Y’s Trainee Programme was launched and has been running successfully for nine years through the connections and partnerships with YMCAs & University in different parts of the world. The total number of participants benefited from this international exchange so far is over 450.


In 2008, CYMCA launched the inbound exchange programme, which aims at providing internship and volunteer opportunities for overseas youths to spend time working with CYMCA. The total number of overseas participants who joint this programme is over 150.


Solid working partnerships have been developed with YMCA / University / Organization in over 20 locations within different countries including United States, England, Brazil, Colombia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, India, Tanzania, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China, between others. This programme serves the purpose of enriching the participant’s knowledge of YMCA and at the same time highlighting our unique international character and connections.



  1. To foster the notion of Global Citizenship among young people by raising youth awareness on global issues through their engagement in sustainable development in local communities;
  2. To foster Cultural Understandings through cultural and historical exposure and study;
  3. To offer opportunities for Mutual Exchange of different cultures;
  4. To develop appropriate Working Attitude of students and enhance their employability in their future career;
  5. To provide an opportunity for students to develop their Leadership, Communication Skills, Sense of Responsibility and explore their unique potentials;
  6. To act as a platform on which to build Friendship among different countries around the globe.


Components of exchange

CYMCA has been working with overseas partners based on a bilateral agreement to host and to deploy youths for internships for a duration of 4 - 8 weeks, the host is responsible for deciding the job duties for the interns as well as to provide accommodation, meals, work related transportation allowances and stipend during the internship period. Interns are responsible for applying a valid visa (if necessary), round trip air-tickets, travel insurance and other personal expenses.


Types of exchange 01

Types of exchange

Short term exchange
Duration: 4 - 8 weeks (throughout the year)
Duties: As agreed between both parties
Accommodation: Provided at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
Meals: Breakfast (Mon to Fri)
Allowance: Not provided


Types of exchange 02
Summer internship
Duration: Jul to Aug
Duties: As assigned by CYMCA
Accommodation: Provided at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
*Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner (on working days)
*Allowance: HKD$50 per working day
*when working at camp site (camp counselor)
**Meals: None
**Allowance: HKD$200 per working day
**when working at centers


Types of exchange 03
Long term exchange
Duration: 10 month (throughout the year)
Duties: As agreed between both parties
Accommodation: Provided at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
Meals: Breakfast and lunch (on working days)
Allowance: Not provided


Interns are responsible for their own personal medical insurance; the CYMCA only covers work related accidents.


Placement opportunities

The International & Mainland Affairs Section coordinates this programme and makes connections between overseas partners and the CYMCA service units, for selecting the appropriate interns.

Proposed placement opportunities of CYMCA offer to overseas interns:

  • Camp programmes and activities
  • Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary School extra-curriculum programmes
  • International School programmes
  • Central administration works
  • The Cityview & The Harbourview hostel in-house duties
  • Sports & Recreation Centers programmes
  • Children & Youth Integrated Team programmes
  • Rehabilitation and Elderly programmes



Participant’s experiences

My experience with Global Y Explorers was one that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I had an amazing time in Hong Kong and a big reason why I enjoyed myself so much was because of the other Global Y Explorers. We became a family in such a short amount of time and we developed friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime. This program was the best experience of my life, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to explore the world and meet people who will change your life in so many ways.

Hanna Kerr
London, Canada


Global Y Explorers is surely the greatest experience I have ever had in my life. You are going to make friends from all over the world, go sightseeing, learn different languages, try different foods and the best of all, you will get to put into practice your skills.

If I had to recommend a cultural exchange program, I would definitely say Global Y Explorers.

Rodrigo Honorato
Belo Horizonte, Brazil


This is my first experience working in other country with people from different cultural backgrounds. I learnt to be more independent by living on my own. What's more, I really thank God that I met many kind friends. For me, the Global Y Programme is wonderful!

Irene Tai
Taipei, Taiwan


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